Windows Vista Tutorial

Align images and text in Word 2007 (text wrapping options)

Bad image alignment in Word 2007 By default, any image inserted in Microsoft Word 2007 will not float on the left or right your document's text. But Word lets you customize how an image should be aligned with respect to text, using "Text Wrapping" - this tells Word how to wrap text around the images or pictures you have inserted in your document. This tutorial explains how to use the various text wrapping settings for images in Word 2007 documents.


Wrapping text around images in Word 2007

Image wrapping modes in Microsoft Word Right-click on an image you inserted in your document; from the context menu that deploys, click on the Text Wrapping sub-menu to display all text wrapping options offered in Word 2007.

Custom image manipulation commands in Word 2007 Note that if you click on the image, a Picture Tools / Format tab will appear in the Ribbon. Click on it to display image manipulation commands available to Word: these include a Text Wrapping menu that mirrors the image context menu's text wrapping options:

Image tools in Word 2007

Main text wrapping options for images in Word 2007

Below are the main alignment and wrapping options for images:

Square wrapping image around text in Microsoft Word

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