Windows 7 Tutorial

Backup or export a custom cursor scheme (mouse pointers theme) in Windows 7

What happens to custom mouse pointer schemes (cursor themes) you saved? Windows 7 doesn't create a file that contains a scheme: instead, it saves them to the "Registry", a large database of settings and options you have saved over time. In this tutorial, we will explain how you can backup or export you cursor schemes (to use them on a new computer, or transfer and import these cursor schemes on another PC, to spare you from having to manually re-create a mouse pointer theme from scratch).


Where are cursor schemes saved and stored in Windows 7?

As mentioned earlier, Windows 7 doesn't save custom schemes to a file: it uses the Windows registry to store them. Follow these steps to access your cursor schemes and export them from the registry:

Note: Windows 7 keeps track of the cursors used in your schemes as "paths" referencing the cursor files used in that particular theme; so, to fully backup your mouse pointer themes, you also need to backup any custom cursor files you may have used (if this does not ring a bell, it means that you have only used standard Windows cursors - no need to take any other action).

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